Caregiving Impacting Relationships With Family And Friends

Everyone has different expectations for the difficulties that a patient caregiver r ole may bring, such as managing a loved one's medical needs or transporting them to appointments and day services. However, caregivers face social consequences as well. Dealing with changes in relationship dynamics, such as sibling tensions in a caregiving setting, or adjusting expectations for family gatherings during the holidays are a few examples of how caregiving extends beyond assisting a loved one with health and wellness at home. Lack of understanding One of the most frustrating aspects of being a caregiver at home is dealing with reactions from family and friends who don't understand the day-to-day reality of what you and your loved one need to do. These could include: ● Criticism of elderly caretaker - This is when others tell you what you "should" be doing for your loved one despite the fact that you have no idea what they require or what is realist...